Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I received my first hamsa when I was in eleven years old and I wore it every day... Until it broke! Since then, I have gone through many but never have I fallen out of love with this unique and significant amulet. Clearly, even as a child I had good taste in jewelry. Hamsa, also known as the Hand of Miriam, is a religious symbol that is thought to ward of evil, harm and illness. This 'protective' charm is derived from both Islamic and Jewish cultures. Hamsa comes from the Hebrew word "Hamesh," which means five. A hamsa always has three extended fingers with both pinky and thumb curved outwards or shorter than the middle three. Many hamsa's have an EYE in the palm of the hand; this symbol is thought to protect against the 'evil eye' - a look that may cause a person bad luck. Whether it be a hamsa, a horsehoe or a heart, etc., I think that every person should have a favorite symbol or significant charm; kind of like their signature piece. Mazel Tov!