Thursday, December 29, 2011

Ringing in the New Year

January 1st is the first official day in the Gregorian calendar and the first official day of an improved me! [There is always room for improvement.] It's that time again where I look back on the previous year, reflect and make the appropriate changes for 2012. There is nothing unorthodox about my ten resolutions this year as I'm pretty sure the majority of you have similar [if not the same] resolutions.

1. Drink less alcohol. Let's just say this year was a complete write off. I think I consumed more alcohol [including what came back up] this year than the past four years combined. Not that I really regret any of it though [well, most of it at least] because I've had the time of my life and I think that every young adult needs to go through that "party phase." But all in all, alcohol isn't exactly good for you because it's bad for your skin, kills your brain cells, is extremely fattening, etc.

2. Become "healthy". The definition of "healthy" varies between people. To me, it's basically eating balanced meals, exercising regularly, maintaining a standard weight [pretty much the textbook definition of healthy]. The way that I plan to stay healthy in 2012 is by learning how to prepare balanced meals rather than always eating out and by exercising at least twice a week. I'm not one of those people who can stick to the routine of going to the gym at 6pm every night so I want to do more activities like biking [if I can manage to not fall off], rollerblading, skating, etc.

3. Get educated. I really want to read more - not just fictional books but the newspaper, biography's and textbooks as well. It's important to be knowledgeable and be aware of current events and what's happening in the world around us.

4. Manage finances. I need to save. End of story.

5. Travel. I would love to travel somewhere on my own. I can start a conversation with pretty much anybody so I think it'd be great if I just jet set off one day into the abyss; it would have to be somewhere English-speaking.

6. Do charity work. I am a huge believer in doing charity work. Throughout my life I've donated time and money to various organizations and charities, travelled to China to teach English in schools, helped out in an orphanage where children suffered from birth defects such as missing limbs and cleft palate, volunteered at soup kitchens and food/clothing drives and helped out at organizations that deal specifically with homeless children. I have such a heart for charity and making a difference in other peoples lives. I've been so blessed to live in a beautiful home and not have to worry about where my next meal is coming from. The least I can do is give back to people who aren't as fortunate as I am. This is something I am so passionate about and hope to do more of in the new year and encourage everyone to do the same.

7. Go green. Reduce, reuse and recycle! This past year, I started a recycling bin at my work to get everyone to recycle their bottles and cans. We need to continue to take care of the world we live in. It's a beautiful place; let's keep it that way.

8. Be beautiful. As important as keeping my nails chip-free, hair coiffed, eyebrows shaped and eyelashes curled may be, inner beauty trumps all. There is nothing more unattractive than a bitch with a pretty face [other than a bitch with an ugly face]. For the most part I think that I am well-mannered, considerate and have good intentions but I am definitely no Saint.

9. Make an effort. Sometimes life gets busy and I become guilty of letting things slide. The most obvious damage is done to my poor bedroom which doesn't get cleaned nearly half as much as it should or split ends that don't get trimmed as often as they should or some form of exercise [other than walking to the pantry] that doesn't even happen.

10. Have fun. Last but not least and maybe even the most important is to let loose, get wild, make memories and have the time of my life. You only live once so you might as well make the most of it.

In 2012 I want to do things I've never done, love like I've never hurt, make a difference in someones life, stay up all night, sleep all day, challenge myself, mature, push my limits, try something new, create something, do something I'm afraid of and never stop laughing.

Happy New Year!